Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset of Pharos Lighthouse, Auset of Pharos Lighthouse, Isis Pharia, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Candles and Lamps, Devotional Practice, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Ra, Shrine, Wepwawet, Yinepu, Anubis

Shrine Pictures

So, I had a small get together at my house to honor Aset (Isis), Wepwawet, and Yinepu (Anubis).  My friend M. took these pictures and  she gave me permission to post them here.

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