Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Festivals, Hethert, Hathor, Mut, Muth, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nit, Net, Neith, Nut, Nuit, Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Poetry, Poem, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Tefnut, Tefenet

Blessed Winter Solstice!

Resized_20180421_203720_5899_4I am the Eye of Ra

by TahekerutAset

I am an Eye of Ra

I am the Goddess of the Star,

Sopdet, Sirius

I am the Goddess of the Moon

When it is Full

When it is New

I am the Goddess of the Sun

The Solar Eye, the Fierce Goddess

I wield Flame, Magic and Blade

I am the Lioness, the Leopard, the Cobra

I am the Avenging Eye

I am the Lioness appeased at the Isheru-Lake

I am the Cobra whose tears created Humankind

I am the Raging One, I am the Pacified Lady

I am the Wandering Eye

I am the Goddess who returns and departs

I am the Sun as it moves throughout the Year

Days grow longer, Days get shorter

as I leave and return, as I return and leave;

This is My cycle

as the Goddess of the Solstice

in the Winter and Summer

And this too is My cycle

as Sopdet appears and departs from view

as the Moon reflects Ra’s light

as it waxes and wanes

All of these cycles are Mine

as the Eye of Ra.

Books, Festivals, Frigga, Goddesses

Mothers’ Night

Mothers’ Night (Modranecht) is a holiday celebrating the Mothers, a group of ancestral, prosperity and abundance-giving goddesses called the Disir or Matronae.  This celebration was on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

Frigga (Frigg) is associated with the Disir/Matronae and is honored on this night.  (Freyja can also be honored here too,  but this is about Frigga, so).

Frigga (Frigg) is the Germanic Goddess of the home, hearth, family, childbirth, weaving, spinning, craft-work, artisans, wisdom, folk magic and fate. She is the Queen of Asgard, First of the Goddesses, Mother of the Gods, Queen of Heaven, Wife of Odin, and Mother of Baldr.  She is a seeress as well and is the only one besides Odin himself who can sit on Hlidskjalf and see throughout all the Nine Realms.

She is also the Goddess of the Ancestral Mothers (Disir) and Norns.  She weaves the clouds and thus, the weather. She is the Goddess of the Orion’s Belt.

Frigga_Cover_Andrew_Final_PDFI have published an anthology for Frigga which can be found here:  Queen of the Hearth: An Anthology for Frigga