Shrine, Wepwawet, Yinepu, Anubis

Wepwawet and Anubis Shrine Images!

Here is the image of the shrine for Wepwawet and Anubis!  Wepwawet is on the left,  while Yinepu (Anubis) is on the right.  I normally only have Wepwawet here.  The Anubis statue belongs to my friend who joined  me in the celebration.  To learn more about Wepwawet go to my page: Wepwawet FAQ.

Photo by Chelsea.  All Rights Reserved.
Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset of Pharos Lighthouse, Auset of Pharos Lighthouse, Isis Pharia, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Candles and Lamps, Devotional Practice, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Ra, Shrine, Wepwawet, Yinepu, Anubis

Shrine Pictures

So, I had a small get together at my house to honor Aset (Isis), Wepwawet, and Yinepu (Anubis).  My friend M. took these pictures and  she gave me permission to post them here.

Continue reading “Shrine Pictures”

Aset, Auset, Isis, Awakening of Aset, Awakening of Auset, Awakening of Isis, Shrine

Aset Shrine Pictures

Here are some shrine pictures of Aset’s shrine during the Awakening of Aset by the Majesty of Ra Festival in January (I think it is the 16 of Mechir on the Ancient Egyptian calendar). Some friends and I got together and honored Her. I think this was in 2011 though I’m not sure.

Anyway, here are the pictures.

Aset Shrine
Awakening of Aset by the Majesty of Ra Shrine

aset statues
Close up of Aset Statues

offerings to aset
Offerings to the Goddess Aset

aset statue close two
Another Aset statue close up.

Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Polytheism, Shrine

We Love You

During a divination session, a group of Netjeru decided to give me this. So I share it in hopes that it will remind us how much They love us.

We are here.
We love you.
We love you.
Why do you doubt this, dear child?
Why do you doubt this?
We are your Parents.
You are Our children.
We love you.
Nothing you can do or will do can take away that love.
We love you.
No matter what.
We want to help you.
We want to see you succeed in all your dreams.
in all your hopes and ambitions.
We want you to succeed.
We love you.
All you need to do is ask.
And We will do Our best to help you.
We love you.
We love you.
And nothing, nothing can take that away.
You are always good enough.
You are always pure enough.
We love you.
We love you.
And nothing, nothing can take that away.