Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset of Pharos Lighthouse, Auset of Pharos Lighthouse, Isis Pharia, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset, with the Beautiful Throne, Isis Nepherses, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Books, Goddesses, Mut, Muth, Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing, Indie Author, Updates, Work-in-Progress, Writing

Book Updates

My book, Thrice Great Goddess: An Anthology for Aset is with the formatter. The cover is just about done for this book as well.

I’m still working on, Mother of Mothers: Ancient Hymns for Mut.

Books, Goddesses, Hymns, Publications, Seshat

Mother of Writing is now Available!

Seshat is the ancient Egyptian goddess of writing, recordkeeping, libraries, and scribes. She is the goddess of learning, books, and fate. She is the companion of Thoth.

In this book, you will find ancient hymns of the Goddess Seshat, an essay about the Goddess, a festival calendar, and an epithets list.

Available on Amazon. 

Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Blessings, Books, Candles and Lamps, Devotional Practice, Festivals, Goddesses, Hethert, Hathor, Mut, Muth, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nit, Net, Neith, Nut, Nuit, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Solstice, Tefnut, Tefenet

Solstice: Return of the Wandering Eye Goddess

flaming_lioness_kindle cover

There are many Eyes of Ra celebrated at this time of year: Aset, Nebet Het, Nit, Sekhmet, Mut, Sekhmet-Mut, Bast, Bast-Mut, Hethert and Tefnut just to name a few.  An Eye of Ra is a title of many ancient Egyptian goddesses who protect the sun god, Ra with magic, weapons and flame.  They are the solar goddesses whose journey reflects the shortening and lengthening of days of the seasons of the year.  This is the time of Their return.

So light candles and lamps.  Offer water, milk, beer or wine.  Offer food and drink to the Goddess as She returns from Nubia.

Let there be light, laughter, reverence, love, strength and peace throughout this time of year.  To all the F words: Faith, Family, Friendship, Forgiveness and Forever.

Have a blessed holiday.  Blessings of the Goddesses to you all!

I have books on many ancient Egyptian goddesses:

For several Goddesses:

For Aset (Isis):

For Nebet Het (Nephthys):

For Sekhmet:

For Tefnut:

Books, Devotional Practice, Festivals, Freyja, Frigga, Goddesses, Yule

Frigga and Mothers’ Night and Yule

Mothers’ Night (Modranecht) is a holiday celebrating the Mothers, a group of ancestral, prosperity and abundance-giving goddesses called the Disir or Matronae.  This celebration was on eve or day of the Winter Solstice. Frigga is also honored on the 12 Days of Yule along with other Northern European Gods and Goddesses.

Frigga (Frigg) is associated with the Disir/Matronae and is honored on this night.  (Freyja can also be honored here too,  but this is about Frigga, so).

Frigga (Frigg) is the Germanic Goddess of the home, hearth, family, childbirth, weaving, spinning, craft-work, artisans, wisdom, folk magic and fate. She is the Queen of Asgard, First of the Goddesses, Mother of the Gods, Queen of Heaven, Wife of Odin, and Mother of Baldr.  She is a seeress as well and is the only one besides Odin himself who can sit on Hlidskjalf and see throughout all the Nine Realms.

She is also the Goddess of the Ancestral Mothers (Disir) and Norns.  She weaves the clouds and thus, the weather. She is the Goddess of the Orion’s Belt.

Blessed Mothers’ Night (Modranecht)! Blessed Yule!


I have published an anthology for Frigga which can be found here:  Queen of the Hearth: An Anthology for Frigga

Books, Devotional Practice, Oracle Cards, Witchcraft

Some Lovely Witchcraft

I have been interested in Witchcraft for many years. (I follow a Goddess of Magic, is anyone here surprised?). I’ve done spells and read books and now I watch Youtube channels. Here are some of my favorite witchcraft related Youtube channels!

The Witch of Wonderlust

A great teacher with a channel about witchcraft, pole dancing, interviews and vlogging. A wonderful channel!

Hearth Witch

Her videos are so informative and she is a great teacher. Her channel is mostly about witchcraft and British magic. A great channel!

Kelly-Ann Maddox

Kelly-Ann Maddox is a professional Tarot and Oracle card reader. She has tons of informative videos on witchcraft, paganism, the Goddesses (Hel and Mary) and Shadow Work. She is the author of Rebel Witch and has a website: Kelly-Ann Maddox

Thorn Mooney

Thorn is a Gardnerian Priestess and very knowledgeable about her stuff. Her videos are thought-provoking pieces about witchcraft and the witchcraft community. She is the author of Traditional Wicca and The Witch’s Path.

Aset, Auset, Isis, Books, Djehuty, Thoth, Hethert, Hathor, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nut, Nuit, Oracle Cards, Ra, Seshat, Set, Seth, Wesir, Asar, Ausar, Osiris, Yinepu, Anubis

Oracle of Seshet

image13I got the Oracle of Seshet by Rev. Normandi Ellis and Amy Auset Rohn a few days ago.  Here is a post of my initial impressions.

This deck is gorgeous.  Each card has a photo of a hieroglyphic term, name or concept from ancient Egypt with the name of it written in English below the photo.  Amy Auset Rohn’s photos are gorgeous, clear and easy to see.

The cards themselves are firm, good quality and easy to shuffle despite the small size.  The cards are smaller than I personally would have liked.  I prefer larger cards, but that’s just my personal preference.  The cards are easy to read, see and use.  I did find a possible error though.  The card with the cartouche on it did not have a word written on the card (Unless that was done in purpose.  I don’t yet have the companion book to tell).

Nine of the cards are also advertisements for both Rev. Normandi Ellis and Amy Auset Rohn’s other work.  On the one hand, I understand why they did this (in case you don’t get the companion book, you still get to know about their work) and on the other hand, I wish they had added more cards to the deck instead.

Some deity names included in this deck are Seshet, Set, Wadjet, Djehuty, Amun, Heru, Nut, Ra, Khepera, Ptah, Het-Hor (Hathor), Anpu (Anubis), Asar (Osiris), Ast (Aset) and Nebhet (Nebet Het).  (Yes, Nebet Het’s name is spelled Nebhet on the card.  I wish it had been spelled Nebthet instead.)  I was very happy to see these many deities in the deck.  On the other hand, I wish there had been more gods included like Sekhmet or Mut or Bast or Tefnut and Shu.

Much of the deck consists of concepts (some god/concepts too) such as Heka, Sia, Ma’at, Sekhem, Akh, Akhet, Hu, Ka, Ib, Hotep and Sahu.

The deck does come with three keycards with the list of the cardnames and some keywords so you know their basic meaning.  I loved that this was included especially if you haven’t yet gotten the companion book (Hieroglyphic Words of Power by Normandi Ellis) yet.  I have not gotten the companion book yet so this is just based on the cards.

Overall, I would recommend this deck to those who love ancient Egyptian deities, concepts and oracle decks.

More Information

Rev. Normandi Ellis


Amy Auset Rohn





Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Books, Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Poetry, Poem, Work-in-Progress, Writing

Poem: In Every Sunbeam

In Every Sunbeam
by TahekerutAset

Sobek of the Nile is the purification god
Sobek of the Waters of the Nun
Light of the sun dispels darkness
The Light of Sobek and Ra dispels darkness
Ask for this light
Ask for this water to purify you
of grief, of rage, of fear
of helplessness, of powerlessness
Bring to yourselves strength, devotion, kindness
Bring to yourselves health, love and self-care
Be kind to yourselves in this darkness
Be kind to others
Know that We are with you in your grief and rage
Know that We are with you in your sorrow and fear
Know that We are with you
We walk with you through this
Now and forever
So says Aset, Mistress of Light
Lady of Life
I am in every sunbeam
in every starlight
in every candleflame
I am in every droplet of water
in every river, every stream
in every rainstorm
in all water in your homes
So listen now
Use this power
of light, of water
and purify yourselves
cleanse yourselves
in baths
in showers with buckets to pour over yourselves
Or use sacred soap
Or Florida Water
Or other cologne water
Or cense with incense
Burn candles in front of Our shrines
Ask Us to help you
and We will
We are with you

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