Aset, Auset, Isis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Djehuty, Thoth, Goddesses, Gods, Heru-sa-Aset, Horus son of Isis, Hethert, Hathor, Khnum, Mut, Muth, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nit, Net, Neith, Nut, Nuit, Oracle Cards, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Set, Seth, Sobek, Sebek, Tefnut, Tefenet, Wepwawet, Wesir, Asar, Ausar, Osiris, Yinepu, Anubis

Updated Review: Sekhmet Servant Oracle

I got the Sekhmet Servant Oracle Cards by Megan Zane. This deck is wonderful! There are 101 cards in this deck. The images on the cards are watercolor paintings done by Megan Zane with the name of the deities below each image. The card stock is good and stable, but the cards themselves are on the smaller side. They fit in my hand.

The art on this deck is gorgeous! Each image represents an aspect or form of the deity either in traditionally anthropomorphic form, anthropomorphic form with the animal head or in their animal form. Just a note for those who may be confused: Set is represented in this deck with the head of a falcon and the Red Crown. This is historically attested in the Dakhla Oasis during the Roman period in Egypt.

For the Shu card, He is depicted as a lion (and Tefnut’s card has Her as a lioness, which I thought was adorable for the Twins). Also, Anhur (Onuris) is depicted as a man with the feather crown. Anhur is a praise name for Shu. So Shu is technically in this deck twice. Sekhmet also has two cards in this deck (this is Sekhmet’s Servant Oracle, afterall).

Also, Yinepu (Anubis) and Wepwawet are both depicted here in their anthropomorphic form with the jackal head; while Yinepu is black, Wepwawet’s color is dark brown. Wepwawet can be shown in this form with a black jackal head too. I think that having them have different colors helps to tell them apart. Wepwawet is more often depicted as a standing jackal.

For Heru Wer (Horus the Elder) and Heru-sa-Aset (Horus, son of Isis): Heru Wer is in his falcon headed anthropomorphic form with the White Crown and Heru-sa-Aset is depicted in His child form.

Other deities in this deck are ones that are more common (Aset, Nebet Het, Nut, Hethert, Sekhmet, Bast, Yinepu, Geb, Wesir, Serqet, etc) and ones not as common in Egyptian themed Oracle Decks (Sobek, Seshat, Wadjet, Nekhbet, Mut, Sekhmet-Mut, Bast-Mut, Wenut, Taweret, Nehmetawai, Montu, Ptah, Ra, Raet, Nit (Neith), Pakhet, Repyt, Shu, Tefnut, Wepwawet, Menhit, Iusaas, Khnum, Anukis). There are groups of deities or spirits included too (7 Hetherts, 4 sons of Heru, etc).

What I loved: the cards and art are amazing! There are so many gods and goddesses in this deck! I am so happy that Wepwawet, Mut, Bast-Mut and Sekhmet-Mut finally get a spot in an Oracle Deck!

Things to Consider: This deck is independently published via print on demand. For only the cards, it is $38 plus shipping. There is a companion book which is sold separately for approximately $13. There is no box or small booklet. I put my deck in a tarot bag.

Overall: I would definitely recommend this deck to someone who honors ancient Egyptian Gods (especially the more obscure ones)! I would recommend this for diviners as well with a caveat that you may want to know or read about these gods before doing a reading with this deck.

This review was just for the cards as I don’t yet have the companion booklet.

Megan Zane’s website: Website

Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Djehuty, Thoth, Goddesses, Gods, Heru-sa-Aset, Horus son of Isis, Hethert, Hathor, Mut, Muth, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nit, Net, Neith, Nut, Nuit, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Set, Seth, Sobek, Sebek, Tefnut, Tefenet, Wepwawet, Wesir, Asar, Ausar, Osiris, Work-in-Progress, Writing, Yinepu, Anubis

We Walk With You

“Candles”. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons –

My religion has many creation myths and all of them are true.  They tell us about creation.  Atum masturbated and Ptah spoke and everything was created. The Celestial Cow as Mut or Hethert or Mehet Weret or Nit gave birth to the sun god Ra and as She spoke everything was created.  Aset spoke the Word in the Beginning as did Nit and everything was created.

The other Gods, the air in the form of Shu, moisture in the form of Tefnut; Geb and Nut in the forms of earth and sky.  Ma’at and Life in the forms of Ma’at, Tefnut and Shu.    Ra, Shu, and the Eye Goddesses gave birth to light.  Wesir, Heru Wer, Set, Aset and Nebet Het were born and thus more was created by them.

Do you not see?  One became many.  Creation cannot exist without differentiation.  There are many Netjeru for a reason.  For each job to be performed, someone must be equipped to do it.  Some of Us have the same job, yet do it differently.  To borrow a phrase: Diversity is Our Power; Unity is Our Strength.

All of nature is touched by these Gods and Goddesses.  Sunbeams are Ra, Mut, Tefnut, Bast, Sekhmet, Aset and other solar Goddesses.  The air you breathe is Shu or Aset. The earth you stand on is Geb.

Continue reading “We Walk With You”

Aset, Auset, Isis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Books, Heru-sa-Aset, Horus son of Isis, Hethert, Hathor, Khnum, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nut, Nuit, Oracle Cards, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Set, Seth, Sobek, Sebek, Wesir, Asar, Ausar, Osiris, Yinepu, Anubis

Review: Auset Egyptian Oracle

This is a review of Auset Egyptian Oracle Cards by Elisabeth Jensen and Illustrated by Marie Klement.  First off I have to say I love the art.  The cards are gorgeous.  The gods and goddesses are depicted in very traditional, ancient Egyptian styles and motifs.  They are absolutely stunning!  (I do prefer this art style, so I am completely biased here).  The only card I did not like the image of was the Sirius card.

Continue reading “Review: Auset Egyptian Oracle”