Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Calendar, Festivals, Goddesses

Aset Luminous

Shrine to Aset with offerings.

Day: 4th Shomu, Day 2.

On my calendar this festival falls on July 2.

This festival commemorates Aset’s nightly search by torchlight for Her husband Wesir.  Candles, lamps and torches were lit for the Goddess.  Papyrus boats were launched in temple lakes.  The boats had prayers written on them with a light source to guide the way.

Ritual for Today

This ritual is what we do for this festival in the House of Netjer.

On Aset’s shrine you could have: an image or statue of the Goddess, a source of light from candles, lamps, LED candles or electric candles and offerings.

You will need paper and a pen or pencil or marker (not red).  You will also need a tealight and a lighter.

Write a letter, telling Aset things you are thankful for.  Then on the other side, write a letter to Aset asking for things you need.  This paper later gets folded into the boat (start folding: thank you side up).

After the paper boats are made, fill a bowl, bathtub or sink with water.  A tealight is placed in each boat and they are put in the water.  The tealights are lit and the boats float on the water until the candles burn out.  (Please keep fire safety in mind).

Thank You/Gratitude Letter Ideas

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Pets
  • House/Apartment/Condo
  • Food
  • Health
  • Job
  • Vaccines
  • Other Things She has helped you with

Ideas of Things You Need

  • Vaccine for Covid 19
  • Good Health
  • Prosperity
  • Love
  • Self-Love
  • Healing
  • Healing from Grief
  • Fortitude and Strength
  • Job

Remember to eat the offerings when you are done.  And extinguish the candles.

About Aset

Aset is a goddess of sovereignty, kingship, magic of all kinds, life-power, personal power and authority, writing, words, gaining knowledge, honoring one’s ancestors, ancestral lineage and traditions, dreams, family relationships, self-love, alignment of the souls and healing.  She is also a goddess of Heaven, starlight, the night sky and the star Sopdet (Sirius).

I channeled this message from Aset about this festival.

(This is included in my book, Queen of the Road)

Aset Luminous (Aset, the Fiercely Bright One)

by JewelofAset

What are you doing for Her festival?

What will you do today for the Fiercely Bright One?

Light candles or lamps?  Sing a hymn?  Perform ritual before Her shrine?  What will you offer to the Lady?

What will you do today for the Mother of God?  The one who gave birth to Heru in the Marshes?  The sole Mother who took care of Her son?

What will you do for Aset, the Fiercely Bright One?  The One who leads the way in the darkness, dispelling shadows with Her light?  The stellar and solar goddess of the dawn.

What will you do today?  What will you accomplish?  What will you profess?

What will you ask Me in your letter?  What prayers and hopes will the boats carry on the water, with My light guiding the way?

What will you ask Me to dispel in your lives?  What will you ask Me to cultivate?

What will you do for the Fiercely Bright One?  What will you ask of the Brightest of Stars?  What will you ask of the Solar Goddess?

I am the Mistress of Magic.  I am the Goddess Who Knows Her Spells.  What I speak comes to pass.

Do not worry, child.  I will take care of you.

Who am I?  Am I not the Goddess who knows Ra’s Name?  Am I not the wisest and cleverest of Gods?  Am I not the Goddess of all magic, all heka, all life-power, all kau?

So what will you ask Me on My festival day?

The words you speak and write have power.  What I speak comes to pass.  What you write is your heart’s desire.

For what you do, what you say and what you write will become.

Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset, with the Beautiful Throne, Isis Nepherses, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Calendar, Festivals, Goddesses

Birthday of Aset, with the Beautiful Throne, Thrice Great Goddess

Shrine of Aset with offerings.

This is Day 4 of 19 of the Birthday of Aset, with the Beautiful Throne, Thrice Great Goddess!

Aset’s title for this festival is Aset, With the Beautiful Throne

(Aset Neferset in Ancient Egyptian; Isis Nepherses in Greek)!

Date: June 26, 2022-July 14, 2022


  • Light a Candle

  • Offer a Meal

  • Offer a Birthday Cake or Pie

  • Sing or Play Music

  • Dance

  • Do Ritual

  • Do Spellwork

  • Honor the Goddess

Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Bast, Bastet, Bast-Mut, Blessings, Books, Candles and Lamps, Devotional Practice, Festivals, Goddesses, Hethert, Hathor, Mut, Muth, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Nit, Net, Neith, Nut, Nuit, Ra, Sekhmet, Sekhmet-Mut, Seshat, Solstice, Tefnut, Tefenet

Solstice: Return of the Wandering Eye Goddess

flaming_lioness_kindle cover

There are many Eyes of Ra celebrated at this time of year: Aset, Nebet Het, Nit, Sekhmet, Mut, Sekhmet-Mut, Bast, Bast-Mut, Hethert and Tefnut just to name a few.  An Eye of Ra is a title of many ancient Egyptian goddesses who protect the sun god, Ra with magic, weapons and flame.  They are the solar goddesses whose journey reflects the shortening and lengthening of days of the seasons of the year.  This is the time of Their return.

So light candles and lamps.  Offer water, milk, beer or wine.  Offer food and drink to the Goddess as She returns from Nubia.

Let there be light, laughter, reverence, love, strength and peace throughout this time of year.  To all the F words: Faith, Family, Friendship, Forgiveness and Forever.

Have a blessed holiday.  Blessings of the Goddesses to you all!

I have books on many ancient Egyptian goddesses:

For several Goddesses:

For Aset (Isis):

For Nebet Het (Nephthys):

For Sekhmet:

For Tefnut:

Books, Devotional Practice, Festivals, Freyja, Frigga, Goddesses, Yule

Frigga and Mothers’ Night and Yule

Mothers’ Night (Modranecht) is a holiday celebrating the Mothers, a group of ancestral, prosperity and abundance-giving goddesses called the Disir or Matronae.  This celebration was on eve or day of the Winter Solstice. Frigga is also honored on the 12 Days of Yule along with other Northern European Gods and Goddesses.

Frigga (Frigg) is associated with the Disir/Matronae and is honored on this night.  (Freyja can also be honored here too,  but this is about Frigga, so).

Frigga (Frigg) is the Germanic Goddess of the home, hearth, family, childbirth, weaving, spinning, craft-work, artisans, wisdom, folk magic and fate. She is the Queen of Asgard, First of the Goddesses, Mother of the Gods, Queen of Heaven, Wife of Odin, and Mother of Baldr.  She is a seeress as well and is the only one besides Odin himself who can sit on Hlidskjalf and see throughout all the Nine Realms.

She is also the Goddess of the Ancestral Mothers (Disir) and Norns.  She weaves the clouds and thus, the weather. She is the Goddess of the Orion’s Belt.

Blessed Mothers’ Night (Modranecht)! Blessed Yule!


I have published an anthology for Frigga which can be found here:  Queen of the Hearth: An Anthology for Frigga

Books, Festivals, Frigga, Goddesses

Frigga and Mothers’ Night!

Mothers’ Night (Modranecht) is a holiday celebrating the Mothers, a group of ancestral, prosperity and abundance-giving goddesses called the Disir or Matronae.  This celebration was on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

Frigga (Frigg) is associated with the Disir/Matronae and is honored on this night.  (Freyja can also be honored here too,  but this is about Frigga, so).

Frigga (Frigg) is the Germanic Goddess of the home, hearth, family, childbirth, weaving, spinning, craft-work, artisans, wisdom, folk magic and fate. She is the Queen of Asgard, First of the Goddesses, Mother of the Gods, Queen of Heaven, Wife of Odin, and Mother of Baldr.  She is a seeress as well and is the only one besides Odin himself who can sit on Hlidskjalf and see throughout all the Nine Realms.

She is also the Goddess of the Ancestral Mothers (Disir) and Norns.  She weaves the clouds and thus, the weather. She is the Goddess of the Orion’s Belt.

Frigga_Cover_Andrew_Final_PDFI have published an anthology for Frigga which can be found here:  Queen of the Hearth: An Anthology for Frigga

Books, Devotional Practice, Festivals, Nebet Het, Nephthys, Publications, Self-Publishing, Indie Publishing, Indie Author

Procession of Nephthys/Nebet Het

There is a Procession of Nebet Het/Nephthys in a larger festival of a Procession of Khnum-Ra from the Temple of Esna on Nov. 1-6 (on my calendar).

The Procession of Nebet Het/Nephthys starts today! The Sister of Set, the Mourner of Wesir, the Sister of Aset, Lady of the Temple, Lady of the Underworld, Lady of the Tomb, Sun Goddess, Who Dispels Darkness, Kind and Full of Love.

She is Merkhetes (She Whose Flame is Painful) and Kherseket (She Who Wipes Away Tears).  She is both a mourning and  protection goddess.  May Her names be known and may Her blessings flow.

Offering Ideas

  • Cheesecake
  • Milk, Chocolate Milk
  • Cheetos
  • Chocolate
  • Wine or Beer
  • Water
  • Pastries
  • Vegetables
  • Beef or Chicken
  • Play a Sistrum

My Books on Nephthys

Lady of the Temple

She Who Speaks Through Silence