Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset of Pharos Lighthouse, Auset of Pharos Lighthouse, Isis Pharia, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Books, Fellowship of Isis, Isian News, Isis-Seshat Journal, Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Poetry, Poem, Polytheism, Publications

Isian News and Isis-Seshat!

My Poem “The Charge of the Goddess Aset” was published in Isian News: the Journal of the Fellowship of Isis.  Here is the link to the 10th Anniversary issue:  Isian News Brigantia 2019.

Another poem of mine was published in Isis-Seshat: Quarterly Journal of the Fellowship of Isis.  Here is the link to that:  Isis-Seshat Winter 2018/19.

Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Poetry, Poem, Wepwawet, Yinepu, Anubis

Poem: Wepwawet is Your God

Shrine to Wepwawet and Yinepu (Anubis).  Photo by Monica H.

Wepwawet is Your God

by Chelsea Luellon Bolton

Wepwawet wants His shrine
to be like His Mother’s (Aset)
Large with many statues
with many offerings
He has much to teach you
if you’ll listen
He wants you to honor Him
more often
with offerings and words
He loves you
that is what Beloved means
One Who is Loved
He will lead you to His statues
He will lead you on your way
Yinepu is with Him
as His Little Nephew
as His Brother
as Sons of Ra
as Sons of Wesir
They can have different parents
Wepwawet, Son of Aset and Wesir
Wepwawet, son of Nut
Wepwawet, son of Ra
Yinepu, son of Nebet Het and Ra
Yinepu, son of Hesat and Ra
Yinepu, son of Nebet Het and Set
Yinepu, son of Nebet Het and Wesir
Yinepu, son of Bast
Yinepu, son of Aset and Wesir, for the Ptolemies

But for you,
Wepwawet is dominant
Wepwawet is your God
Wepwawet is your Beloved
Wepwawet is only with Yinepu
when Yinepu needs to be
the Opener of the Way
The title brings the God forth
Wepwawet is with Yinepu when
they guide the dead
Wepwawet is with Yinepu when
their functions overlap
as a syncretism
Sometimes, they can be a syncretism
Most times they come together
For you,
Only Wepwawet
Yinepu is not the same as Wepwawet
Wepwawet is not Yinepu
Wepwawet is a standing jackal
or a sitting jackal
or rarely, a Jackal-headed man
Yinepu is a Jackal-headed man
or a recumbant jackal
or a jackal-headed man with a mummy
or a jackal-headed man ontop of a box
or a jackel-headed man weighing the heart
These are different gods
with different functions
with different parents
with different preferences
with different iconography
These gods are your gods
Wepwawet, the Jackal on the Standard
the Jackal on the Standard is your God
as Wepwawet

The Jackal is your God
as Opener of the Ways
as Lord of the Shedshed
as Lord of the Oasis
as Lord of the Necropolis
at Abydos
at Asyut
at Edfu
as Lord of Lords
as Lord of the Sky
as Lord of Asyut
as Lord of Abydos
as Lord
as Lord of the Roads
as Controller of the Two Lands
as the Son of Aset and Wesir
as the Son of Ra
as the Son of Nut
as the Guide, Guard and Protector
who shows the way to victory
for all who call upon Him