Goddesses, Gods, Hekate, Hera, Hestia, Oracle Cards, Polytheism

Review: Mythic Oracle: Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Pantheon

Image of the Box, Guidebook and three cards from the Mystic Oracle: Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Pantheon.

This is a review of the Mythic Oracle: Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Pantheon by Carisa Mellado and artwork by Michele-lee Phelan.

Items Included

  • Cards
  • A Guidebook
  • A sturdy box

The Guidebook

This book has a table of contents and each card is listed with the page number, but the cards are not in alphabetical order. They have sections: Protogenoi (Uranus, Hemera, etc.), Titans (Rhea, Prometheus, Mnemosyne, etc.), Olympians (Hera, Hestia, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Persephone, Hades, Hebe, etc.), Magical Beings (Hecate, Pandora, Chiron, The Moirae, Thanatos), and Heroes (Perseus, Psyche, Helen of Troy, Heracles, etc.).

There is an introduction and then there is a section on spreads to use with the Oracle cards. Each page about each card has an image of the card, a small paragraph about each deity and then a message of the card. The messages are longer than in most decks, but they are insightful, useful, and applicable to the querent’s question. Excellently done.

The Cards

Three Rows of the Cards from the Mystic Oracle.

The cardstock is sturdy. The cards are on the larger size so they are slightly hard to shuffle, but maybe that’s just me.

The artwork is beautiful. Athena has her helmet, spear and owl. Hestia is holding a huge hearthfire. Hecate (Hekate) has three forms (two of which look more maiden like and one is elderly. While the image is beautiful, initially Hecate was a maiden (even three formed Hecate were all maidens and only got the older form in the Roman period, iirc). Hades has a dark cloak. Persephone holds a scepter and it looks like she’s in the Underworld as she’s the Queen of the Underworld. Hera is seated on her throne holding peacock feathers.

Three Rows of Oracle Cards from the Mystic Oracle.

The images are wonderful. I highly recommend this deck to anyone who loves Greek Mythology, Greek Gods and Goddesses and Oracle Decks.

Blessings, Goddesses, Gods, Polytheism, Work-in-Progress, Writing

Simple Ways to Honor Gods and Goddesses

Some may find it hard to go into shrine right now.  Or maybe you just want something simple to do outside of shrine.  If you are looking for inspiration to honor Them outside of shrine, I have a few ideas:

1) Find them in the nature around you.  Shu, Nebet Het and Aset are associated with breath.  The Eyes of Ra manifests in the sunbeams or starlight.  Nut is the night sky.  Go outside and spend time with Them.  Breathe and think of Their Names.

2) Say a prayer before you eat, offer your meal and  then eat it.

3) Can you wear jewelry?  Wear something you’ve dedicated to them, like  a necklace, ring or bracelet.

4) You could wear clothes with colors that remind you of Them.  (Blue or purple for Aset, black or purple for Nebet Het, white for any of the Netjeru).

5) Is there a Netjeru over  your profession?  Offer your workshift to Them.

6) Do creative projects.  Call on Seshat or Djehuty for writing, call on Aset or Hethert for arts and crafts.

7) Do something you love and invite Them.

8) Offer to Taweret, Aset, Hethert, Mut or Bast and clean your home.  Offer to Bes or Bast or whomever to protect your home.

9) Breathe.  They are There.  Gods and Goddesses of air and wind are with you when you breathe.  So breathe.

Aset Luminous, Auset Luminous, Isis Luminous, Aset Neferset, Auset Neferset, Isis Nepherses, Aset of Pharos Lighthouse, Auset of Pharos Lighthouse, Isis Pharia, Aset, Auset, Isis, Aset-Serqet, Auset-Serqet, Isis-Selkis, Books, Fellowship of Isis, Isian News, Isis-Seshat Journal, Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Poetry, Poem, Polytheism, Publications

Isian News and Isis-Seshat!

My Poem “The Charge of the Goddess Aset” was published in Isian News: the Journal of the Fellowship of Isis.  Here is the link to the 10th Anniversary issue:  Isian News Brigantia 2019.

Another poem of mine was published in Isis-Seshat: Quarterly Journal of the Fellowship of Isis.  Here is the link to that:  Isis-Seshat Winter 2018/19.

Oracles, Poems, Poetry,, Polytheism, Shrine

We Love You

During a divination session, a group of Netjeru decided to give me this. So I share it in hopes that it will remind us how much They love us.

We are here.
We love you.
We love you.
Why do you doubt this, dear child?
Why do you doubt this?
We are your Parents.
You are Our children.
We love you.
Nothing you can do or will do can take away that love.
We love you.
No matter what.
We want to help you.
We want to see you succeed in all your dreams.
in all your hopes and ambitions.
We want you to succeed.
We love you.
All you need to do is ask.
And We will do Our best to help you.
We love you.
We love you.
And nothing, nothing can take that away.
You are always good enough.
You are always pure enough.
We love you.
We love you.
And nothing, nothing can take that away.